Cambodian Community Dream Organization (CCDO)

CCDO is a wonderful organization located in Siem Reap. Their dedication to improving the wellbeing of local village folks is impressive. Led by a very impressive young man, Leangseng Hoy, their work extends to education (which we avidly support) water wells, latrines, health care and economic development. We are especially pleased to support their breakfast […]

Build Your Future Today (BFT)

BFT is a wonderful Siem Reap organization founded by a remarkable man named Sedtha Long. Sedtha was just 15 years old when the Khmer Rouge took over his country. When he survived that terrible ordeal at the age of 19 he vowed right then to help his people recover from that horrible experience. To this […]

AusCam Freedom Project

AusCam Freedom Project is a wonderful partner organization. Headquartered in Phnom Penh, they have a wide reach out into the villages carrying out education and counseling programs designed to make girls aware of the dangers of trafficking and to offer them resources in the event they find themselves lacking information or at risk.

Archaeology Development Foundation (ADF)

Archaeology Foundation library books

ADF is an organization based in Siem Reap and working on Kulen Mountain – home to the ancient, pre-Angkorean civilization – about a two hour drive from Siem Reap. (Kulen Mountain was also one of the last strongholds of the terrible Khmer Rouge regime.) This is a very poor area of Cambodia. Very poor. Accordingly, […]

Anjali House (ANJ)

Anjali House is a wonderful place in Siem Reap currently caring for about 120 local village kids. Government school in Cambodia is only for one half day. By providing education and life skills training for the other half day, Anjali is preparing these kids to make better choices about their future lives. We’ve supported Anjali since […]

ABCs and Rice (ABC)

ABCs and Rice is a wonderful project headed up by Tammy Durand. Since government school in Cambodia is only for half day (not nearly enough for a proper education). Tammy provides education for the other half day for about 240 kids from the surrounding village – and she does that in a unique way. You can […]

Circle of Hope

Circle of Hope logo

How to pay less in taxes and help our kids at the same time Donations to the SE Asia Foundation before midnight on December 31 can lower your taxable income. So, of all the possible causes you could choose,why choose us? We are small enough that every donation you make to us really matters. It […]


Impact really matters. We pay attention to impact. We focus on impact. We work to achieve as much impact as possible.In this newsletter today, I’ll share a few stories about the impact we are making and the changes we are bringing about in the lives of the many villagers we serve. Bill Taylor, Founder “It […]


In these pandemic times it’s easy to get caught up in the maze of coping and forget how much we have to be thankful for. Bill Taylor, Founder I want you to know how grateful I am for you, and your interest and support. In the U.S. and Canada we have national holidays to reflect […]

Voices From the Field

Normally we use our newsletters to tell you stories about the good work you are funding and how that changes the lives of those we serve. This newsletter is a bit different. Today we bring you some voices from the field. These voices are from a group called PEPY – Empowering Youth, one of the […]

The Realities of COVID in Village Life

Yes, we’re facing a challenging time here in America. No doubt about it. Record levels of COVID. Lockdowns. Jobs lost. No fun at all. But yet, I count my blessings every day. Why would I do that? Simple answer. Because I know first-hand what it’s like for the villagers in Southeast Asia right now. In […]