Please remember: Every penny of your donation goes directly to the field
Nothing is taken for overhead or administrative costs
Following is a series of “packages” that are specially designed to directly meet the most compelling needs of marginalized village families and their kids. We invite your support for these ongoing needs.
To illustrate the benefits these packages can bring to people’s lives, here are six videos featuring three packages.
And just think, many of the other packages here can have even greater impacts.
Leabs Garden
Heap’s Garden
Mai’s Garden
Mobile Library

Days for
Packages funded to date

School Package
Equip a girl for Primary School (Grades 1 to 6) for one full year. This includes two school uniforms*, one pair of shoes, one backpack, plus assorted supplies and textbooks.
* School uniforms will be sewn by a local NGO, thus providing work and income for local women.
Packages funded to date

Road Safety Gear Package
Provide a helmet, reusable water bottle, lunch box, light, reflectors, and related equipment for motorbike and bicycle safety.
Packages funded to date

Bicycle Package
Give a Secondary School (Grades 7 to 9) girl a bicycle so she can safely travel the 3 to 10 kilometers from her village to the nearest secondary school. Includes one refurbished bicycle and related maintenance supplies.
Packages funded to date

Chicken Raising Package
Provide a family with six hens, one rooster, feed for a month, enclosure materials, and coaching for success. With this help a family can raise chickens and eggs for consumption, trading, or selling locally.
Have a look at these videos
Chickens-1 Chickens-2
Packages funded to date

Food Package
Packages funded to date

Piglet Package
Packages funded to date

Mobile Library
Take a look at this video
Mobile Library
Packages funded to date

Primary School Books
Packages funded to date

Secondary School Books
Packages funded to date

Primary School Technology
Let’s get these kids started early. We can easily provide the basics for that. Internet connection … a couple of computers … a printer … a few supplies … a large monitor. I’m sure you get the picture. Imagine this in a dirt-floor classroom. Exciting, isn’t it?
Packages funded to date

Secondary School Technology
Packages funded to date

University Scholarship
Send a girl to university for four-years. She can become a nurse, school teacher, or business person … or … (insert your imagination here) and lift herself, her family, and her community up and out of poverty.
Packages funded to date