Some Thoughts About Myanmar

I love working in Myanmar. Without a doubt the most difficult place for me to work, but also the most satisfying. Why? Let’s see if I can briefly summarize this.The need for help in Myanmar is immense. Just think about it for a moment. Here is a country — finally emerging from sixty years of […]

Report for the Baan Mae Ta Maew IT Training Program Project

Written by Carol Acosta, President of the Maechan, Thailand Rotary Club Submitted by Bill Taylor, International Service Chair, Rotary Club of Edmonds Daybreakers The dedication for Mae Ta Maew was held on Friday, Feb. 19th, 2021. It turned out to be an all-day event. Originally we had a group to go to the school but, […]

Report for the Ban Wiang Sa Water Purification Project

Written by Carol Acosta, President of the Maechan, Thailand Rotary Club Submitted by Bill Taylor, International Service Chair, Rotary Club of Edmonds Daybreakers All work was completed at Wiang Sa and the dedication held on Wednesday, February 17th. We wanted the kids to be present for the dedication and, as it turned out, many of […]

Look What YOU Did

Look what YOU have done. Seriously. Take a look at what YOU have done in the last six months. Not me. Not the SE Asia Foundation. It’s what YOU have done. Without YOUR generous donations none of this would have happened. For that, we are most grateful. This has been a challenging time – to […]

Circle of Hope

Circle of Hope logo

How to pay less in taxes and help our kids at the same time Donations to the SE Asia Foundation before midnight on December 31 can lower your taxable income. So, of all the possible causes you could choose,why choose us? We are small enough that every donation you make to us really matters. It […]


Impact really matters. We pay attention to impact. We focus on impact. We work to achieve as much impact as possible.In this newsletter today, I’ll share a few stories about the impact we are making and the changes we are bringing about in the lives of the many villagers we serve. Bill Taylor, Founder “It […]


In these pandemic times it’s easy to get caught up in the maze of coping and forget how much we have to be thankful for. Bill Taylor, Founder I want you to know how grateful I am for you, and your interest and support. In the U.S. and Canada we have national holidays to reflect […]

Voices From the Field

Normally we use our newsletters to tell you stories about the good work you are funding and how that changes the lives of those we serve. This newsletter is a bit different. Today we bring you some voices from the field. These voices are from a group called PEPY – Empowering Youth, one of the […]

The Realities of COVID in Village Life

Yes, we’re facing a challenging time here in America. No doubt about it. Record levels of COVID. Lockdowns. Jobs lost. No fun at all. But yet, I count my blessings every day. Why would I do that? Simple answer. Because I know first-hand what it’s like for the villagers in Southeast Asia right now. In […]

Local charity provides COVID relief in Cambodia

Here’s an article that appeared in our local on-line newspaper, My Edmonds News, on September 14th. SE Asia Foundation, an Edmonds-based charitable organization, has announced the completion of a successful fundraising campaign to provide assistance to impoverished villages in Cambodia affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Grants of nearly of $43,000 were made to vetted non-government […]

You Really Stepped Up To The Challenge

Two months ago we told the story about how the COVID-19 pandemic was impacting so many villagers in Cambodia – and what was needed to help those folks survive during that challenging time. You – our wonderful donor community – rose up to meet the challenge with amazing generosity. With your support we were able […]