Finally, after more than two years I was once again able to travel back to Cambodia and Thailand to work with our trusted, grass-roots partner organizations there. Needless to say, I was beyond delighted to be back on the ground and in the countryside again.
What I saw was encouraging.
Every single one of our more than 25 partners survived the pandemic, and in some instances emerged even stronger.
The other thing I saw was a compelling and ongoing need for help. Many of the villagers our partners serve suffered greatly – not so much from the disease itself, but from the loss of employment in those highly tourist dependent regions.
Schools were closed. Lockdowns were imposed.
Food security got worse.
All this happened while family incomes were dramatically reduced – often to zero.
We kept education alive.

We also addressed food security in sustainable ways by providing home gardens. We trained villagers to raise chickens and pigs. You can click here and here to view brief videos showing the impact a home garden can have on a family.
Working through our partners we did whatever we could to get through the pandemic. When schools reopened, we funded hundreds of school uniforms, backpacks, bicycles, Days for Girls kits, libraries, and whatever else was needed to get these kids back to school and keep them there.
Still, much more needs to be done.
Now it’s time to focus on recovery and adjusting to a new version of “normal.”
That’s where the gap shows up.
As of today, we are $18,883 short of our fundraising goal for our fiscal year ending June 30th.
I’m looking to you for help in closing that gap. And in the spirit of partnership, I will personally match – dollar for dollar – any donation you make between now and the end of this month until that gap is gone.
That’s it for today.
That’s my entire message. I’m back to working in-country and on-the-ground with our wonderful partners. We’re making an important difference – all the while clearly seeing that much more is needed. Please click here and help at whatever level feels right to you.
Life is Good
At least for some of it is.
Others need a bit of help, and
together we can provide that help.