Look what YOU have done.
This has been a challenging time – to say the least. COVID has changed the world. Among other things it caused a devastating loss of jobs for many people struggling to get by on a few dollars a day. Nevertheless, working with our on-the-ground staff – and the leaders of 24 trusted, local NGOs* – YOU made a difference in the lives of thousands of people living in poverty and so severely impacted.

Responding to the pandemic became an immediate priority. Here’s what YOU did about that:
- Provided masks, soap, hand sanitizer, and COVID training for thousands of villagers
- Delivered emergency food relief packets for over 300 families
- Funded food relief for 300 students living at monastery schools
- Provided food-security gardens for 480 families. That included training, tools, seeds, and fertilizer

Meanwhile support for education continued unabated. Here’s a summary of what YOUR funding provided:
- Major library expansion for a 150-student school
- Large-scale mobile library for hundreds of families
- Daily breakfast feeding program for 1,200 kids
- Unique English teaching curriculum for grades 4, 5, & 6
- Salaries for 11 teachers for six months
- Job seeking training for 20 high school graduates
- Six-station computer lab in a remote Thai village

Distance learning suddenly became a new challenge. YOU stepped up to that challenge with:
- Cell phones and mobile credit for 25 students
- Workbooks and study materials for 790 students
- Financial support to keep 70 high school and university students in school
We were also able to fund some construction with YOUR donations:
- Water purification system for a village school of 100 kids
- 105 hand washing stations complete with soap, posters, and training
- 4 toilets and WASH stations for an orphanage supporting 20 kids

Meanwhile, YOU provided funding for eight four-year University Scholarships
(I’ll have more to say about university scholarships in an upcoming newsletter.)
YOU also continued to fund Social Enterprises – the proceeds from which are used to support local education. These included:
- Completion of a village water system for 400 families
- Chicken-raising project for a local school
- Microloans to 100 farmers
- Microloans to 10 entrepreneurs starting local businesses
And, lastly YOU provided some essential operating expenses for five organizations critically in need.
The Bottom Line is this: YOU made a HUGE difference in the lives of thousands of villagers coping not only with the virus itself, but even more importantly with the devastating economic downturn and the loss of so many life-sustaining jobs. YOU are the HEROS of this report.
Just a reminder. Please consider joining our brand new Circle of Hope Society and becoming a monthly donor.

Becoming a monthly donor is as easy as navigating your computer mouse. All you need to do is CLICK HERE then click on the donate button you’ll see, designate an amount, and select the checkbox that says, “Make this a monthly donation.” It’s just as easy as that. You can relax. We’ll take it from there.

* Non-Governmental Organizations