Over the course of a dozen or more trips to Myanmar, being a part of that awakening was energizing. Working with so many dedicated, committed people. Coaching for leadership. Encouraging critical thinking. Helping them strengthen their education systems. Seeing civil society emerge. Developing sustainability. Funding social enterprises. Meeting their most urgent needs. We were making good progress.
Exciting progress, in fact. Until . . .

Meanwhile, a powerless feeling sets in for me. What can we do to help? The country is closed. Cannot travel there. The banks are closed. Cannot use the normal channels to send money to help with basic needs for food and essential supplies for the few schools that still operate.
Fortunately, we’ve now found a safe and reliable way to get some relief money there so our trusted Country Director (Treasure) can deliver some much needed assistance to the kids we are supporting in several monastery boarding schools.
You can make a difference
Please join us in caring about these good people, fighting to keep their freely elected government — and now, fighting for their lives –- literately and figuratively. So many jobs lost. So many people in harm’s way. So many kids are hungry. Please join us in finding ways to support them.
At the very least let’s help them with some food.

Life is Good — at least for some of us it is.
Others need a bit of help . . . and together . . .
we can provide exactly that.