Vulnerable Villagers Need Our Help Urgently
April 3, 2020

Under normal circumstances this would be the time for me to send you a quarterly newsletter reporting on another successful trip working with the organizations we regularly support in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Thailand. Unfortunately, I can’t do that right now.

Like most of you I’m spending my time sheltering in place, keeping appropriate social distancing when I do venture out, washing my hands 20 times a day, and looking forward to the time when I can resume something akin to my normal schedule out and about. Meanwhile, I’m in frequent contact with the in-country leaders of the organizations we regularly work with.

Those leaders and their teams are mostly sheltering in place and working from home as they deal with the same virus issues we have here in America. For the most part, these fine organizations will be okay. I’m pretty sure of that. What worries me, however, is the situation for all the village people they serve.

Think about it. Imagine living in a remote village, in a modest bamboo or wooden house, many without electricity or running water. Compound that with the prevailing lack of government services and no safety net for these people. Medical services are few and far between – and as a practical matter, financially out of reach for most.

Needless to say, the kids are just as vulnerable as their parents. They desperately need our help to survive this new virus.

Simply put, these villagers are at great risk should they contract COVID-19.

I am pleased to tell you that at least four of our on-the-ground partners (CCDO, HHA, MDF, and BFT) are actively doing something about this. They – and others – are traveling village to village to hold meetings about the virus and how to combat it. In addition to providing masks, soap, and other hygienic supplies they are teaching the villagers about how to keep safe in these challenging times.

A Call to Action

Let’s help the people most in need

We’ve got on-the-ground people ready to go out to the villages.

  • They can deliver supplies.
  • They can do training sessions.

They know how to do this, and do it well.
Let’s support them … now.

Your Money Will Go a Long Way

  • $25 provides soap and wash cloths for 25 families
  • $50 provides face masks for 100 people
  • $100 provides critically important training for two villages
  • $250 provides training team supplies for one month
  • $500 provides critically important training for ten villages
  • $1000 provides an ENORMOUS blessing.

Please join me in defeating this virus out in the countryside where the people are the most vulnerable.
Prevention is critical.
Village visits are the key to that prevention.

As always, 100% of your donations go directly to the field to serve those in need.
Nothing is used for overhead, admin, or fund-raising. I cover those costs personally.

Life is Good — at least for some of us it is.
Others need a bit of help . . . and together . . . we can provide exactly that.