Good Shepherd Sisters – Phuket (GSS-PKT)

Good Shepherd Sisters - Phuket logo

Here, under the leadership of Sr. Lakana, more than 340 children of migrant Burmese workers are cared for and educated while their parents are working in the local fish processing industry. Without this loving care, these children would not have access to health care, nor to an education in their own Burmese language while adjusting […]

Good Shepherd Sisters – Nongkhai (GSS-NK)

Good Shepherd Sisters – Nongkhai sign

Here, under the leadership of Sr. Pranee, the Good Shepherd Sisters serve the marginalized people from nearly 200 villages in this eastern, rural, relatively poor agricultural region of Thailand. Currently, they operate a Scholarship Program that keeps more than 500 at-risk kids in school, a sewing center, and a large “farm”operating as a social enterprise […]

Good Shepherd Sisters – Chiang Rai

Good Shepherd Sisters – Chiang Rai entrance

The Good Shepherd Sisters operate a live-in home and school for at-risk Hill Tribe girls to attend junior and senior high school. Currently housing nearly 60 girls they provide a safe environment where these girls can gain an education which will enable them to break the cycle of poverty into which they were born.In addition […]

Good Shepherd Sisters – Bangkok (GSS-BKK)

Good Shepherds Sisters - Bangkok sign

Founded in 1965 by Sr. Louise (still going strong in 2020), several of her Sisters manage this fine organization serving some of Bangkok’s low-income citizens most in need of assistance. They do this with a pre-school for more than 100 kids from the nearby slums, a mother and baby home typically caring for a dozen […]

Friends of Thai Daughters (FTD)

FTD is a wonderful organization with two locations in the far north of Thailand: Chiang Rai and Chiang Khong. There, providing a family-like home environment to nearly 30 vulnerable, at-risk hill tribe girls, FTD makes sure these girls are safe from trafficking and have the opportunity to get a first-rate education and grow to become […]

Fountain of Life Women’s Center – Pattaya

Fountain of Life Women’s Center

In this wonderful, caring facility, approximately 500 marginalized, at-risk women are provided with counseling and job training to enable them to break free from the poverty, domestic violence, drug addiction, human trafficking, and other related circumstances that caused them to seek assistance. Facebook page

Fountain of Life Children’s Center – Pattaya

Located just a few short kilometers from their Women’s Center, the Good Shepherd Sisters operate their Children’s Center. There, an average of 175 underprivledged children ages three, four, five, and six receive the education essential for their entry and successful study at Thai government schools. Facebook page

Ban Wiang Sa

This is a small secondary school located in a remote village in Northern Thailand. Recently, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Maechan, Thailand we were able to complete a water purification project for them. A dedication was held there in February, 2021 as described in this field report.

Hpa-an Education Foundation (HEF)

The Hpa-an Education Foundation (HEF) is a group of about 30 local business men and women that have joined together to further the education opportunities for disadvantaged young people in their community. They do this by (in their words) “filling the gap” between what is needed in local schools and what is actually provided by […]

Guiding Star Monastery School

The Guiding Star Monastery School is a fine, community based organization dedicated to now providing education for 220 high school students. The full story is here. So far they have done a marvelous job of raising the funds from the local community to get their current construction to about the 50% point. Right now they […]

Community Partners International (CPI)

Community Partners International (CPI) is a large organization headquartered in Yangon and working in many of the poverty stricken and conflict areas of Myanmar. More recently they are working in Rakhine State and across the border into Bangladesh. We enjoy working with the highly skilled team there. Here is a photo following a recent leadership […]

Baan Saan Rak (BSR)

Baan Baan Rai (meaning “Home With Love”) is a small care-facility for abandoned children located about 30 minutes outside Chiang Rai. Housing just 25 girls and boys, it is run by a very dedicated and energetic woman called Jit, who operates this facility on the back portion of her family property. With no aspirations for […]