Human and Hope Association (HHA)

Human and Hope Association (HHA) is a small, Cambodian registered NGO* located in the village of Sanbourn, situated out in the countryside about 30 minutes outside Siem Reap. One among the many things that impress me about this organization is that it was started in 2011 by an Australian woman living in Cambodia. That is […]

Grace House Organization (GHO)

The Grace House Community Centre was founded in 2008 and is located between Siem Reap and Tonle Sap in the Northwest of Cambodia. They provide both on-site and outreach development services to the local community. Through education, family and community support their mission is to improve the livelihoods of this generation and the next.

Friends International (FI)

Friends international is a leading social enterprise saving lives and building futures for the most marginalized children & youth, their families, and their communities in south east Asia and across the world. They initiated the now region-wide ChildSafe program. Friends International is based in Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh –the country’s center of economic activity and […]

Free to Shine (FTS)

Free To Shine is a child protection organization that prevents school-aged girls being trafficked into the commercial sex industry in Cambodia. Their team of professionals conducts monthly safety visits and social work interventions, while focusing on strengthening family and community systems to prioritize the safety and education of their children.

Children’s Future International (CFI)

In the 1970s, the Khmer Rouge genocide killed one quarter of the Cambodian population. They targeted anyone with an education, killing teachers, artists, doctors, and more. Today, the children in Battambang still feel the effects of this tragedy. Living in a community still coping with trauma, a community where caretakers are unable to guarantee them […]

Caring for Cambodia (CFC)

Caring for Cambodia (CFC) works to educate a generation of Cambodian children to make a difference in Cambodia’s tomorrow. Working in concert with government schools, CFC’s supportive programs help children make the most of their school day and classroom learning, while introducing ever-more advanced teaching techniques and content.

Cambodian Leadership Learning Community (CLLC)

We are particularly proud of the CLLC. In 2017 Bill, Peter, and Sophal sponsored and presented a two-day Leadership Skills workshop for about 35 leaders from 20 separate NGOs* in and around Siem Reap – all focused on the education and wellbeing of Cambodian girls and women. The workshop was well received and resulted in […]

Cambodian Education and Development Fund – Opportunity Cambodia (CEDF)

CEDF – Op Cam (Cambodian Education and Development Fund — Opportunity Cambodia) is a locally managed NGO* about a one hour drive from Siem Reap in the 16 village commune of Along Samnar. These 16 villages are among the poorest of the poor with many families reported to be living on $1.00 per day. CEDF-Op […]

Cambodian Community Dream Organization (CCDO)

CCDO is a wonderful organization located in Siem Reap. Their dedication to improving the wellbeing of local village folks is impressive. Led by a very impressive young man, Leangseng Hoy, their work extends to education (which we avidly support) water wells, latrines, health care and economic development. We are especially pleased to support their breakfast […]

Build Your Future Today (BFT)

BFT is a wonderful Siem Reap organization founded by a remarkable man named Sedtha Long. Sedtha was just 15 years old when the Khmer Rouge took over his country. When he survived that terrible ordeal at the age of 19 he vowed right then to help his people recover from that horrible experience. To this […]

AusCam Freedom Project

AusCam Freedom Project is a wonderful partner organization. Headquartered in Phnom Penh, they have a wide reach out into the villages carrying out education and counseling programs designed to make girls aware of the dangers of trafficking and to offer them resources in the event they find themselves lacking information or at risk.

Archaeology Development Foundation (ADF)

Archaeology Foundation library books

ADF is an organization based in Siem Reap and working on Kulen Mountain – home to the ancient, pre-Angkorean civilization – about a two hour drive from Siem Reap. (Kulen Mountain was also one of the last strongholds of the terrible Khmer Rouge regime.) This is a very poor area of Cambodia. Very poor. Accordingly, […]