Sisters of Providence – Chiang Saen

Way up north in Thailand, very close to the infamous “Golden Triangle”, the center of the once thriving, ancient opium trade, is the town of Chiang Saen. That is where the Sisters of Providence, led by the highly committed and energetic Sr. Janda and four other Sisters provide this wonderful care facility for more than […]

Two Parrots Monastery School

Kyet Tuu Ywel (Two Parrots) is a small, remote village in the northeastern part of the Karen State in Myanmar. There, the Head Monk at the local monastery (an intensely dedicated fellow called U Sanda Ba Tha) runs a primary and secondary school for 175 students. As you might imagine, funding a school in this […]

Thawka Myoun Monastery School

Here in a remote village in Mon State, Myanmar, the good monk U Oketara Thara runs a boarding school for 340 kids. Needless to say, funding is a problem. After several discussions with the monk and his village committee leaders they submitted a social enterprise proposal to purchase a truck. Their initial idea with this […]

Palel Myntta Children’s Home

Palel Myntta is a live-in, care facility for 20 abandoned HIV and AIDS children located in Yangon, Myanmar. The children living there are cared for with love and affection while receiving the health care they need. Meanwhile they continue with their education and prepare to move on with their lives. Here you can read about […]

Nat Maw Village Preschool

Nat Maw Village is situated on Bilu (Giant) Island in the Than Lwin River located in western portion of Mon State in Myanmar. For many years this island could only be reached by ferryboat from the nearest city of Mawlamyine, landing at Nat Maw Village. Then, in early 2019 a bridge was constructed to connect […]

Lakhana Village Secondary School

Lakhana is a small, remote Karen village of about 1100 people. Never have they had more than just a small primary school for their kids. The nearest secondary school is far enough away that the distance and difficulties (and costs) associated with travel were enough to end all education for a majority of the village […]

Kwan Lhar Village Youth Group

Kwan Lhar is a village in Mon State, Myanmar. Home for about 1,100 families, the economy of this village is primarily reliant on the rubber industry – a commodity that, unfortunately, has seen depressed prices for the past several years.We work with two closely interconnected groups there: A very inspiring youth group, and a dedicated […]

Koenawin Monastery School

This is a wonderful school in the Koenawin Township of the Kayin State in Myanmar. Run by a dedicated education monk, in this one location they currently house and feed nearly 500 kids as of my most recent visit. This is where we’ve funded a new 150 bed dormitory for girls. It is currently under […]

Inn Gyn Poo Monastery School

This is one of our more recent projects for support. In Myanmar, monastery schools are an “equal” alternative to government schools. In many locations they are the only alternative available to kids from remote villages. That is the situation at Inn Gyn Poo. We’ve worked with the head monk there, a dedicated fellow called U […]

Rotary Club of Magkang – Udon Thani

The Rotary Club of Magkang is in Udon Thani, Thailand – located in the eastern portion of Thailand. Many of the people in the small villages throughout this very large agricultural province live in relative poverty. As is typical in these circumstances, education suffers. In addition to their many civic-minded projects, this fine Rotary club […]

Rotary Club of Maechan

Maechan Rotary has been a good partner for quite a number of projects in Northern Thailand. Located about 35 Km. north of Chiang Rai, Maechan is centered in the hill tribe region of Thailand, quite close to the infamous Golden Triangle where Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand come together along the Mekong River. The ethnic minority […]

Mee Eashin Development Foundation – Bangkok (MDF)

This is a small foundation located in the Rangsit Market area in northern Bangkok founded by a well-named 32 year old woman, Treasure Shine. Treasure, originally from Myanmar (Burma) is just completing her studies for a masters degree in community health programs. Quite passionate about helping her people that have migrated into Bangkok seeking physical […]