Kyet Tuu Ywel (Two Parrots) is a small, remote village in the northeastern part of the Karen State in Myanmar. There, the Head Monk at the local monastery (an intensely dedicated fellow called U Sanda Ba Tha) runs a primary and secondary school for 175 students. As you might imagine, funding a school in this relatively poor section of Myanmar is a perennial problem.

With funding from our Foundation the Monk is constructing a system to provide running water to the more than 400 homes in this village.
Click here to read about this innovative project.
This will be a huge benefit to the people there – especially during the four months of dry season when their wells are dry. Community leaders are confident the residents will happily pay the equivalent of $2.50 per month for that blessing of running water available year round. The resulting revenue will go a long way towards keeping the Two Parrots School operational and sustainable.
If you would like to help this school you can click click here and designate your donation for the Two Parrots Monastery School. We’ll take it from there.