Toilets Change Lives For Kids
October 3, 2024

Let’s talk about toilets. Here in America, and in most of the western world, we take toilets for granted. That’s not the case elsewhere on the planet – especially at local village schools in Cambodia. Imagine being a kid and going to school with no toilet – or one not much better than a “hole in the ground.”

Imagine how much more difficult that would be if you were a girl.

Thanks to you, we’re making progress in that respect. Working with our partner organization, Build Your Future Today (BFT), the Kromom Bol village school now has a brand new, non-polluting toilet block.

Here’s what BFT has to say about this achievement:

We are excited to announce the successful completion of the toilet project at Kromom Bol Primary School! The new facilities have brought so much joy to the students and teachers. We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to the SE Asia Foundation and all of those wonderful people who contributed to making this project a reality. Thank you for your incredible support and kindness. This great improvement in sanitation and hygiene means healthier kids. And that will result in more days in school, and better education. Let me show you what you’ve done. Please take a look at your beautiful gift to us.

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I hope you get the message here.
What you see above is a BIG thank you to YOU — and the
generous donors that make our work possible.
It’s the voices of more than 200 kids,
along with the 7 teachers and staff at Kromom Bol, all saying

Thank You

We’re really proud to partner with Sedtha, Oddom,
and the wonderful team at BFT — all working
together to improve education and life opportunities
for marginalized kids from the local village schools.

If you’re interested in knowing about the work that our
other Cambodian NGO partners are doing in service to
those most in need, you can click here.

At the SE Asia Foundation we do not simply “help” people
We Help People Help Themselves
That is our focus
That is our commitment
That is where our actions show up

Please help us keep doing that with a tax-deductible
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