The Importance of Bicycles
July 25, 2024

Today I want to talk about bicycles. Here in America bicycles are readily available and often taken for granted. But, in many of the villages where I work in Cambodia bicycles can be life changing. So, I want to share with you a recent experience working with our wonderful partner, Build Your Future Today (BFT), where we were able to provide 71 kids with bicycles.

Here’s what one of the kids – Nita – had to say when she received her bicycle:

Some of the time my parents can take me from home to school. But other times, when they are busy working in the fields, they are unable to bring me to school at all. If I’m lucky, I ask friends for a ride. Otherwise, I have to walk about three or four kilometers to school. Today, I’m happy because I received a bicycle donated by BFT. Now I can bike to school myself. I promise to study hard and become a teacher in my community when I grow older.

Here’s a short video from that great day

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And, here’s what Rith, the headmaster of Nita’s school, had to say:

On behalf of the school committee, teachers, and students, I would like to thank BFT and the SE Asia Foundation for their kind donation of bicycles for our underprivileged students. These bikes will make it possible for children who live far from school to attend and return home easily and safely. I appreciate your support in our school.

I hope you get the message here.
What you see above is a BIG thank you to YOU — the generous
donors that make our work possible.
Actually, it’s really 71 young voices all saying

Thank You

We’re really proud to partner with Sedtha, Oddom,
Vudy, and the BFT team, working together to
improve education and life opportunities for
marginalized kids from the remote villages in the
Svey Leu District of Siem Reap Province.

If you’re interested in knowing about the work that our other Cambodian NGO partners are doing in service to those most in need, you can click here.

Life is good — at least for some of us it is
Others need a bit of help
Together we can provide exactly that

At the SE Asia Foundation we do not simply “help” people
We Help People Help Themselves
That is our focus
That is our commitment
That is where our actions show up

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