Take a Look at This Exciting New IT Lab YOU Created
June 24, 2024

We’ve partnered with the Anjali House in Siem Reap, Cambodia for over ten years now. They do a wonderful job of providing some creative education for more than 200 kids from the local neighborhood. Recently, we got involved with some important changes to their computer training room and
their library. Read on to see what they have to say about these new developments.

Big changes are happening at Anjali House this year, thanks to the amazing generosity of the SE Asia Foundation and its supporters. It’s more than just a few upgrades – it’s about hope lighting up the faces of the kids we help.

Our old computer lab was stifling and cramped. Students were stuck on different sides of a wall and lessons felt disconnected. Thanks to the SE Asia Foundation, that wall is history! Now there’s a spacious, lively computer lab that’s full of energy. Over 300 students who wouldn’t have had the chance otherwise are now learning important computer skills, exploring coding, and letting their creativity run wild.

The library used to be super-hot and uncomfortable. But with your help, we raised the roof and created a cool space for young minds to thrive. Now, a love for reading can really take off.

The impact goes deeper than just bricks and mortar. Bill from the SE Asia Foundation didn’t just provide us with money to complete projects. He also provided us with invaluable mentorship and guidance. Our team now feels empowered and ready to take on the challenges that come our way.

Thanks to you, the future of Anjali House is bright. We see it in the smiles of the children, the dedication of our team, and the learning environment we’ve built together.

I hope you get the message here.
What you see above is a BIG thank you to YOU — the generous
donors that make our work possible.

Actually, it’s really more than 200 young voices all saying

Thank You

We’re really proud to partner with Nadi, Sophany, and
the wonderful team at Anjali — all working together
to improve education and life opportunities for
marginalized kids from the local village.

If you’re interested in knowing about the work that our other Cambodian NGO partners are doing in service to those most in need, you can click here.

At the SE Asia Foundation we do not simply “help” people
We Help People Help Themselves
That is our focus
That is our commitment
That is where our actions show up

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