Visit With Life and Hope Association

I had a most interesting conversation with the Venerable Lorm Loeurm, Executive Director of the Life and Hope Association in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Located on the grounds of the Wat (Buddhist Temple) Damnak, I first visited this place three years ago. Although interesting, we failed to get involved. Today, during a fresh visit with fresh […]
A Visit to Kwan Hlar Village

A couple of days ago we visited Kwan Hlar village, the home of our friend, Nyen Shwe, a very dedicated and hard working young Mon man living and working in Myanmar. Nyen Shwe was instrumental in getting four of the young people from his village to travel to Nath Maw village and participate in our […]
A New School for Lakhana Village

When I visited Lakhana Village last summer I met with the village Women’s Group. They were absolutely determined to have a “post-primary” (junior high) school so their children could continue their education beyond grade 5. So determined, in fact, that they had already purchased small piles of bricks, gravel, sand, and re-bar with the limited […]
A Visit to Nath Maw Village – Myanmar

Nath Maw Village is a small place on Giant Island, located in the Thawlwin River. Nath Maw is accessible only by a ferryboat across this very large river. The current is swift. It took us 45 minutes to get there from Mawlamyine; 90 minutes to return. Here we are boarding the boat we took And, […]
May Mi — A Tragic Story with a Happy Ending

Last Friday we visited Palel Myintta, a live-in facility in Yangon, Myanmar where 20 orphaned or abandoned children living with HIV are cared for in a safe, loving environment. Her is my colleague, Peter Scontrino, talking with the Director, Annie. That’s where I met four-year-old May Mi Than. Look at that smile. May Mi is […]
A Week in Myanmar

In Mid-May 2015 I headed north in Thailand to join my friend, Treasure Shine, in Mae Sot for a brief stop before we traveled across the border into Myanmar. There in Mae Sot we visited SAW (Social Action for Women) to see the safe house, orphanage, and crisis center they operate. They are doing great […]
January – February 2015 SEAF Trip

After bidding farewell to the TWCCTW group I headed back to BKK for a day and then on up north to Chiang Rai. So … as Paul Harvey used to say (I know some of you are old enough to know who Paul Harvey was)… Here is the “rest of the story” … My first […]
January 2015 TWCCTW Trip

I’ve just recently returned from our January 2015 Together We Can Change The World (TWCCTW) trip to Thailand and Laos — a time that was busy, interesting, and productive. Here are some of the highlights. We began in Bangkok where my partner Scott Friedman and I were the featured speakers at the Bankapi Rotary club […]
Current Status at the Wildflower Home

It has been a while since so many of you made your generous donations to our Wildflower Campaign so it’s time that I provided you with an update. I’m happy to report that the Good Shepherd Sisters have appointed a new leader for their Wildflower Home — Sr. Anurak, a Sister with whom I’ve worked […]
Three Trafficked Girls

This is a story about three little girls that have been trafficked – a story I wish did not need telling. Unfortunately, however, in today’s world it does need to be told – and heard – by those of us fortunate enough to be able to make a difference. For nearly four years now we’ve […]
October/November SE Asia Trip

I’ve just returned from another most interesting and highly productive trip to SE Asia. I’ll share some of the highlights with you in this newsletter. Work began this time at the Fountain of Life Women’s Center in Pattaya where my partner, Peter Scontrino, and I conducted a weeklong workshop on Leadership, Management, and Supervision for […]
June/July SE Asia Trip

But first I’ll report an important new development. Finally, after 13 months of waiting, the IRS has granted us Public Charity 501(c)(3) status. So, we now have a new non-profit called the SE Asia Foundation. (I’ll have a website up for it soon.) That Foundation will now be the home for all three of our […]