Only 23 More to Go!

A few days ago, I wrote about the new toilet block we provided for a village school in Cambodia. That was certainly good news for the kids and teachers there. It would be an understatement to say they were excited. Without a doubt, we’re proud of what we accomplished. Now, I want to get even […]

Toilets Change Lives For Kids

Let’s talk about toilets. Here in America, and in most of the western world, we take toilets for granted. That’s not the case elsewhere on the planet – especially at local village schools in Cambodia. Imagine being a kid and going to school with no toilet – or one not much better than a “hole […]

PreSchool is a Great Head Start for the Kids

Time and time again, research demonstrates that kids attending preschool thrive when entering Grade 1. Just recently our wonderful NGO Partner, the Grace House Community Center, took that step and opened their brand new facility called “Bunnies and Puppies”. Here’s the story in their own words. Just recently we were able to respond to the […]

The Importance of Bicycles

Today I want to talk about bicycles. Here in America bicycles are readily available and often taken for granted. But, in many of the villages where I work in Cambodia bicycles can be life changing. So, I want to share with you a recent experience working with our wonderful partner, Build Your Future Today (BFT), […]

Take a Look at This Exciting New IT Lab YOU Created

We’ve partnered with the Anjali House in Siem Reap, Cambodia for over ten years now. They do a wonderful job of providing some creative education for more than 200 kids from the local neighborhood. Recently, we got involved with some important changes to their computer training room andtheir library. Read on to see what they […]

Computers Open Up Education

I’m delighted to share with you another edition of our Voices From the Field. This one is from another of our wonderful NGO partners in Cambodia – the Kamboo Project Organization (KPO). Led by the amazing Somalita Keo (Lita), this energetic team of young, active Cambodians works diligently to improve the quality of primary schools […]

The Power of a Thank You

Today I’m delighted to share with you another edition of our Voices From the Field. This one is from our NGO partner in Cambodia – The Global Child (TGC). In their modest facility in Siem Reap, TGC provides a strong education along with life-skills training for 36 fortunate young people. Havingpartnered with TGC for the […]

Voices From The Field

A few days ago, I was talking with Mike, a good friend and a generous supporter of our work. Mike asked me a lot of questions. Some really good questions. He wanted to know more about what was happening with our work – on the ground – in country. As our conversation continued it occurred […]

Partnerships Are The Key To Our Success

Recently I’ve stopped using a few sensitive words when I talk about our work. Which ones? I’ll get to that in just a moment. What I really want to talk about first is partnership.Partnership. That’s the critically important feature of how we work with NGOs in Cambodia and Thailand. Why do I emphasize partnership? For […]

The Need is as Great as Ever

The Need is as Compelling as Ever Now is the perfect time for you to make an important difference in the lives of so many kids Normally I begin these newsletters by sharing a few stories with you. Today, I’ll take a different approach. We recently made a new video to tell about the work […]

These Cambodians Really Need Your Help

I’ve just returned from another of my regular trips to Cambodia and Thailand. While there I visited with more than 25 of our NGO partners. As I ventured out to the countryside I got a first-hand look at the fine work they are doing. It’s inspiring to see how they improve the lives of the […]

Let’s Keep The Momentum Going

I Need Your Help to Keep the Momentum Going When I was speaking with a friend recently our conversation wandered through a variety of topics. However, his queries invariably returned to our activities with the SE Asia Foundation. Afterwards, with a blinding flash of the obvious, it occurred to me that progress should be the […]