Today I want to talk about about kids with developmental issues … kids with learning disabilities … kids with special needs. They show up in all cultures and all countries. If you’re one of those kids in Cambodia your chances for skilled, professional care are somewhere between slim and none. That is, unless
you happen to be one of the lucky ones cared for by our wonderful NGO Partner, the Grace House Community Center in Siem Reap. We love the amazing work they are doing. Here, I’ll let you read about it in their own words.
The Grace House Community Center continues to be one of the very few facilities in Siem Reap offering care for children with moderate to severe disabilities. With a grant from the SE Asia Foundation we were able to design and build a brand new Sensory Room to meet the needs of our 38 students with development disabilities, learning difficulty, and sensory impairment. This room provides those students who have difficulty focusing, concentrating, or regulating their emotions with activities that engage their senses through touch, sound, light, and movement

The room was furnished with sensory matting, dimmed lighting, air-conditioning, fans, and a high-mounted projector with speakers. Sensory toys of various textures, bean bags, sensory touch wall lights, exercise balls, and other various resources that would enrich the learning experiences of the students were purchased and installed. Three special needs classes at Grace House now use this room at least two times each week.
Take a look. See the room in use
While the sensory room was designed specifically for the kids with special needs, all of our 120+ general education students also use the room — especially for yoga sessions.
In addition, the room provides the perfect space for showing educational movies and for physical activities such as dance to improve coordination, fitness, and brain function.
The Grace House Community Centre is grateful for the ongoing support from the SE Asia Foundation and the donors who contribute to fund our projects.
I hope you get the message here.
What you see above is a BIG thank you to YOU — and the
generous donors that make our work possible.
Actually it’s 38 special needs voices, long with the other 120+ students at Grace House, all saying:
Thank You
We’re really proud to partner with Loung and the wonderful team at Grace House — all working diligently to provide an essential education for the kids from nearby and not so nearby villages.

If you’re interested knowing about the work that our other Cambodian NGO partners are doing in service to those most in need, you can click here.
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We Help People Help Themselves
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