PEPY – Empowering Youth (PEPY)

PEPY – Empowering Youth is a well run organization in Siem Reap, Cambodia offering life-changing opportunities to young boys and girls willing to put in the work to earn an education and enhanced career opportunities. Here’s a picture from the wall in one of their meeting rooms. I think it captures the spirit of PEPY quite nicely.

For 2019 we’ve just provided a four-year scholarship for Phalla Duong. Over the next few years while attending university she will be returning to PEPY and volunteering 2,000 hours of coaching and teaching for the younger kids in the program. Here’s what Phalla has to say about her opportunity.

Recently, we also funded an English language program for PEPY. Here is a recent report from the director of that program
In the past couple of years we’ve supported PEPY by leading various workshops and training sessions. During a recent session they identified the need for additional funding to support their high school scholarship program. They would certainly welcome your assistance in this regard.

To do so you may click here and indicate your wish to direct your donation to PEPY – Empowering Youth. We’ll get the funding to them promptly.