Life and Hope Association is located on the grounds of the Wat Damnak in Siem Reap and run by the Venerable Lorm Loeurm.

You may read here about our recent visit to Life and Hope Association and to their new, developing campus built to house the girls and women.
The immediate need for this fine organization is funding to continue the tutoring program to prepare the high school girls to pass their national exams. Ironically, the government has substantially increased the difficulty of the national exams thereby making it a major hurdle to graduation, but they have not redesigned the high school curriculum accordingly. Thus the need for special tutoring. $6,000 will fund this for an entire year.
If you would like to help ypu can do so by clicking here. Just note Life and Hope Association on your donation and we’ll see to it that it gets to them right away. Your donation is tax-deductible.