ABCs and Rice (ABC)

ABCs and Rice is a wonderful project headed up by Tammy Durand. Since government school in Cambodia is only for half day (not nearly enough for a proper education). Tammy provides education for the other half day for about 240 kids from the surrounding village – and she does that in a unique way.

You can click here to read a recent report we wrote about Tammy’s school.

In 2017 we were able to fund a 50% interest for ABCs and Rice in a local Italian Restaurant called Amici’s in Siem Reap. Proceeds from that social enterprise provide a regular source of approximately 25% of the funding needed to keep the school running. (We’re hoping for more as the business grows.) Please go eat there. The food is delicious and the kids benefit when you do.
Here’s a Christmas 2019 Thank You we received from the kids at this school.
Most recently we were able to obtain funding for a ten-seat, computer training center. This will greatly enhance the learning experience for these deserving kids. (We’ll post a picture of that shortly.)
Meanwhile, Tammy continues to run this school on a shoestring. She sure could use some extra help to fund those unrelenting costs for teachers, school supplies, and all the related expenses that accompany a school of this size.

You can help Tammy by clicking here and designating your tax-deductible donation for ABC’s and Rice.
We’ll see to it that it gets to her promptly.