Think back with me. Think back to the time you were a kid. What role did books play in your life back then? If you were anything like I was in those early years, books were essential. For me, books were HUGE. I’m not talking about just school books . . . those were always there. I’m talking about story
books. I was fascinated with early America, with indigenous native life, with exploration into new and unknown territories. And, I could not get enough of the Hardy Boys mystery books.

There you have it. The power of books. The power to open up previously unimaginable possibilities to these kids. It gets them thinking about their life . . . and the choices they could make . . . and the importance of education.
Education IS the key to eliminating poverty.
So, today I’m asking you to join me. Let’s get more books into the hands of these kids. Not just a few books. I’m thinking thousands of books – typically at less than $2.00 each – purchased from local suppliers. A double benefit. Books for the kids. A boost for the local economy.

Just click here and buy some books.

At the SE Asia Foundation we do not simply “help” people.
We Help People Help Themselves.
That is our focus.
That is our commitment.
That is where our actions show up.
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