Anjali House (ANJ)

Anjali House is a wonderful place in Siem Reap currently caring for about 120 local village kids. Government school in Cambodia is only for one half day. By providing education and life skills training for the other half day, Anjali is preparing these kids to make better choices about their future lives.

We’ve supported Anjali since 2012 when we were first introduced to them. Working closely with their excellent Director, Simon Ke, we’ve provided a water purification system, an outdoor WASH station, and assisted with operating costs from time to time. More recently we funded the development of a 10,000 square meter garden that is now becoming the source of important revenues to support their operations. Under the leadership of a volunteer, Annie Sharp, that garden is taking Anjali one step closer to financial sustainability.
Here’s a picture of Simon (on the right) and Annie on the way back from a visit to their garden

Here is an email we received containing Anjali House’s 2019 year end report.

This is a video about supplementary education provided at Anjali house.

Anjali is doing a great job caring for these 120 fortunate kids.

You can help Simon and her team with some support by clicking here.
Mention Anjali House and we’ll be sure your tax-deductible donation gets to them right away.