Yesterday we visited the Lahu village of Poon Mon, located about 14 miles north of Lashio, Myanmar – up close to the China border.
These people were relocated here in 1995 to escape the ravages of the civil war fighting. Since then they have grown from 12 households to 40. Now, with a newly elected, young, energetic village leader they are moving ahead to improve their life situation. I really like this guy. He has vision – and the respect of his villagers.

They have a preschool for their 20 youngsters ages 3 to 5. Plus, they share a nearby primary school for over 100 kids with two other villages, and two other ethnic groups. So far they have not been able to afford a middle school. Later that day, meeting with the headmaster of the school, we learned of her strong desire to add a building to the small campus and begin accommodating grades 6, 7, and 8. Funding for that new building has not yet appeared. My guess is that would be a $10,000 project.

The big need for the school, and for the villagers also, is water. Fortunately there is a water source in the form of a spring near by. And, the real good news is that the spring is uphill from the school and village. $1,200 for a tank and some piping would address this immediate need.

This village is located on hilly ground with several watercourses to be crossed as they go about their daily life. This is not such a problem during the dry season, but in the rainy times these crossings can become quite dangerous – especially for the kids. All three of these “bridges” (such as they are) are old and becoming increasingly weak and hazardous. One by one, the Village Leader wants to rebuild them. Already he has purchased some of the materials required. And, with $1,000 in materials for foundation stone, timbers, and planking he and a crew of villagers can get these bridges rebuilt before the next rainy season arrives in June.

I’m hoping there is someone out there reading this report that would love to come to the aid of these energetic villagers.