Volunteering with Grace House. Siem Reap, Cambodia

Volunteering at Grace House can be an immensely rewarding experience, and provides opportunities to support the staff and students by contributing to the community of Korkranh Village. This might be through working with the Khmer teacher in the classroom with pronunciation of English words and phrases, leading activities, or initiating your own project of art, sports, science or drama for all students. It could include working with students in the special needs program if you have experience in this field, or even as part of the administrative team supporting the day to day running of the project. This is a place for everyone. Tell us about your passion and skills and we will let you know if there is an opportunity to be part of the Grace House community.

What we do ask of you is a commitment to the project. To make a difference, there needs to be a commitment of time. Nothing is achieved in a week. Hence, to make a difference, we ask for a commitment of at least four weeks, along with a volunteer donation. Volunteers are not only a source of mentorship and inspiration for the staff and students of Grace House, but also a valued source of income. NGOs run on a very limited budget and the volunteer payment allows this organization to meet the day to day running expenses.

Volunteering gives so much more back than what is given. Come and experience something that you may have always thought about, but never quite acted upon. Come join us. Be part of the amazing team at Grace House and be part of the legacy of volunteers that have come before you.


Email volunteer@gracehousecambodia.org and get some more information on how you can make a difference to the lives of the families in Korkranh Village.